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Audubon in the Schools (AITS) Needs Volunteers and a Leader

This Lane Audubon program is in high demand by grade school teachers. Teachers and their students love this program!Our volunteer instructors and five new people brought the program to several classrooms this spring.We hope to continue to build our volunteer…

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

On World Migratory Bird Day, Saturday, May 12, Lane County Audubon Society and Nearby Nature co-sponsored a family-friendly event at Nearby Nature’s Learnscape in Alton Baker Park.Attendees young, old, and in between were treated to bird walks in the park,…

Welcome New LCAS Board Member, Rebecca Waterman!

Rebecca has been involved with our organization as the Bird Walk coordinator since fall of 2017.  She has attended board meetings, as well as helped with bird walks and outreach events since first becoming involved. She is excited about birding and…

New Program Committee Chair

We are happy to announce that Dennis Arendt has taken on the role of LCAS Program Coordinator! Thank you to Dennis for your willingness to bring your talents to Lane Audubon Programs! Welcome Dennis—we look forward to working with you! 

From Our President: Two by Two, It Begins Anew

March is when I notice that many of the birds coming to our feeder begin arriving in pairs. Earlier in the winter, the loose flocks of finches, juncos, and towhees do not show male/female pairings as they fly in for…