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We Have a Wide Variety of Volunteer Positions Available:

  • Audubon phone
    Interest/ability to answer questions about issues relating to birds, sometimes left on voicemail.
  • Bird Display Volunteer
    Needed to organize, schedule, and set up taxidermied bird displays. All specimens are covered by LCAS’s educational permit issued by the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife and are comprehensively listed in a spreadsheet we have developed. This position requires only a couple of hours of time each month. A basic knowledge of spreadsheets is useful. Email Ron Renchler or call 541-345-0834 for more information.
  • Program Tech Person for Hybrid Zoom/In Person Presentations
    Ability to set up computer, video and sound for both Zoom and Live program audience
    Needed 4th Tuesday evening (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) 8 times per year ( Sept – Nov and Jan- May)
  • Bird Walk Leaders (Various, Ongoing)
    Lead bird walk at pre-arranged site to share sightings and identification of species encountered along the way. Encourage and teach new birders and those attending to be respectful of the birds showing good birding etiquette. Enhance the experience with local knowledge of the particular area.
  • Board Positions
    Active member with interest in furthering the goals and mission of our organization. Meetings occur monthly on second Tuesday at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Needs to have interest/ability for involvement in all aspects of the organization, support the organization with new ideas and responsible decision making skills.
  • Booth Sales (T-Shirts, Patches, Other)
  • Booth Set-Up/Take Down (Needs Van/Pickup)
  • Booth Staffers (Ongoing Recruitment-Would Like An Active List Of At Least 25)
    Our outreach booth is on site at fairs and festivals in the area each year. If you have an hour or two available to help   spread the word about Lane Audubon’s educational and conservation programs, you’re welcome to help staff the booth. No experience is necessary; we’ll match you up with an experienced booth staffer.
  • Christmas Bird Count Chili Feed (when it resumes)
  • Commission and Community Committees as Audubon Reps (various)
  • Community Network Coordinator (Maintains Links With Other Community Groups)
  • Conservation Sub-Chairs (individual issues)
  • Development/Grant/Fundraising Coordinator
  • Email Alert Coordinator
  • Graphic Designer for Publications and Outreach materials
  • Legal Advisor (Attorney)
  • Membership Chair
  • Membership Engagement (Acknowledgements and Membership Renewals)
    Help welcome new members by sending them thank-you cards and information about Lane Audubon. Develop membership recruitment initiatives. Assist our membership renewal program by sending postcard reminder mailings twice per year. This position requires a couple of hours a month and can be done from the comfort of your own home.
  • New Member Recruitment
  • Program Hospitality & Room Set Up (Program Meeting)
  • Publications Coordinator (Non-Quail)
    LCAS publications need to be revised or updated to reflect current contact information. This would be a team effort with members of the Board so we can work through the materials and get help with the implementation. Some new materials need to be developed, and offered on the web page. We want our publications to reflect current and accurate information. You need word processing skills, phone and a computer.
  • Publicity + Social Media Coordinator
    This person would help us get public notices to various media services. We have Program meetings, bird walks and other activities that we want to spread the word about. We need to make sure we are ahead of publication deadlines. Developing new contacts with the media would also be helpful. Create a data sheet of contacts and deadlines. You need word processing skills, phone, computer and familiarity with Facebook and Instagram.
  • Special Events Coordinator (Nonroutine Activities)
  • Student Liaison (High School/College/UO) and Youth Education (Programs/Publications/Bird Walks)
  • Volunteer Coordinator

If you’re interested, click here to fill out our online volunteer form and for more information.