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Science Supports Habitat Haven

Science Supports Habitat Haven

We are excited about the potential of Habitat Haven, our backyard certification program, to help people create habitat that supports biodiversity. But does it work?  It makes sense that through planting native vegetation and creating canopy levels, through reducing pesticide…

Elliott State Forest old growth

Habitat News

Good news from the Elliott State Research Forest At their September meeting, the board of the Elliott voted unanimously to add 10,000 acres to the existing 32,000 acre “Big Block Reserve,” expanding it to >42,000 acres (more than half the…

Acopian birdsaver cords

Let’s Help Birds!

Why? There is no way to put a value on the joy that birds bring to us, the wonder that we experience when we see or hear them, the creativity fostered by their presence, and the fulfillment that they bring…

Habitat Haven: Summer Update

Habitat Haven: Summer Update

Birds and pollinators can’t talk, but we know they are happy about Habitat Haven! Lane Audubon’s answer to biodiversity loss began three months ago as a pilot program of 20 households. We now have 47 enrollments and 7 wonderful volunteers! Responses have…

birders with binoculars BIPOC

To Boost Your Mental Health, Go Birding!

A recent study, “Birdwatching linked to increased psychological well-being on college campuses: A pilot-scale experimental study,” published in June, adds to the growing body of evidence that being outside is good for you. Nature-based experiences, and birdwatching in particular, were…

American Beaver

Three Wildlife Bills Worthy of Your Support

The 2024 Oregon legislative session has just convened. Three wildlife bills that Lane Audubon is supporting are up for hearing this week.  Please let your legislators know that you support these bills. Find your legislator on the Oregon Live website. …

Cape-Falcon Marine Reserve

Oregon Wildlife bills testimony needed

The 2024 Oregon legislative session has just convened.  Three wildlife bills that Lane Audubon is supporting are up for hearing this week.  Please let your legislators know that you support these bills. Find your legislator: Or use the OLIS…

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431