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Plate-billed Mountain ToucanBirding is Good For You
Tuesday 1/28/25

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Dennis Arendt will share his thoughts on why birding is good for you, along with many of his photos, taken in both exotic and local birding hotspots.

Dennis Arendt

He has found that the rewards of birding are not confined to identifying birds and checking them off on your list. Many aspects of birding go much deeper, contributing to one’s good health, positive attitudes, and the creation of lasting friendships. Over the years, Dennis has accumulated a lot of experiences birding and traveling, mostly with a small group of close friends. His journeys have been focused on birds, culture, scenery, and self-discovery. Don’t come expecting a lot of data and research studies in this program. Do expect to enjoy birding through the eyes of an enthusiastic traveler and a keen observer.

Black-chinned-Mountain-TanagerDennis and his wife, Mary, moved to Eugene from Chicago in 1975. They have two daughters and two granddaughters. Dennis started birding shortly before moving to Eugene. He taught bird identification classes in the LCC Continuing Education program for many years. He retired as an elementary school principal in Eugene after 34 years in education both here and in Chicago.

Enjoy this program with your friends on January 28, Tuesday, 7 pm at the Campbell Center (155 High Street). The doors open at 6:30. A Zoom link to this program will be available on the LCAS website about one week before the event. This program will also be recorded, then posted on our website within a week, for members who cannot attend in person.

See the Calendar for map.

More Upcoming Programs:

Inca Tern

Birds of the Ocean

Tuesday Feb. 25, 2025 join Tim Shelmerdine, a well-known world-wide birder who has organized and led birding trips off the coast of Oregon for a decade.

vaux's swift

Our Amazing Swifts

Tuesday March 23rd Dick Lamster and Maeve Sowles present: “Our Amazing Swifts.”  Check back for more details and the Zoom link.

Past Program Meetings

Bolivia: Birds, Bugs, and Boas with John Sullivan

Brazil’s Atlantic Rainforest and Pantanal with Ram Papish and Roy Lowe

Northern Columbia Endemics with Forest Tomlinson

Birding Under the Influence with Dorian Anderson

Gardening for the Bees (and Birds)

Borneo: Vignettes of a Vanishing World

Woodpeckers with Steve Shunk


Tufted Puffins

Antarctica and the Sub-Antarctic Islands with Magnus Persmark

A Confluence of Interests: Nature and People in the 21st Century

An Adventure to Brazil's Mato Grosso State and Argentina's Iguazu Falls

Winter Raptor Surveys in the Pacific Northwest

Native Pollinators and Native Plants

eBird Tools with Vjera Thompson

Adventure in Ecuador

Fighting Crime with Feathers with Pepper Trail

The Bear Necessities with Ram Papish

The Birds of Mt St Helens with Gina Roberti

Chinstrap Penguins with Noah Stryker

Hawaiian Birds with Rich Ahrens

Saline Lakes & Flamingoes with Nate Senner

Polyglottal Passerines Mimicry with Rich Hoyer

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




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