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Fox Sparrow

Bird Effects from Mid-January 2024 Ice Storm

By Vjera Thompson Storm started Friday night with ice and snow-like material on top of it (little ice balls). Saturday morning I walked to Danebo pond. Already signs of disruption with a pipit landing on a blade of grass in…

Installation of Delta Ponds bridge

Delta Ponds Loop Trail Gets a Bridge

Crews with the city installed a new 100-foot-long bridge over some of the Delta Ponds wetlands on January 25. Philip Richardson, a landscape architect with the city’s Parks and Open Space Department, noted that it is just one part of…

Cat with bird

Birds and Cats–A Lethal Combination

Many of us who love birds and wildlife also love cats. Unfortunately, our cats do serious damage when they roam freely. Both the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) have found that bird and…

WV Bird Symposium

Thanks for Helping!

Thank you to Cecelia Hagen, Ash Berry, and Barbara Bryson for setting up and staffing the Lane County Audubon table at the Willamette Valley Bird Symposium on Saturday, February 3. LCAS was a sponsor of the symposium and had several…

2023 Mushroom Festival LCAS booth

Thanks to Mushroom Festival LCAS Booth Volunteers

The morning was cold, but the day warmed up as hundreds gathered at the Mt. Pisgah Mushroom Festival on Sunday, October 29. More than 200 festival-goers stopped by the LCAS booth to visit and learn more about the birds in…

Cecelia Hagen and Ash Berry

Welcome to New Board Members Cecelia Hagen and Ash Berry

Cecelia is a familiar face, having volunteered for three years as the Coordinator of Audubon Adventures. Ash is a UO graduate student in the Non-Profit Management program, who reached out to serve as a Board member through their course work.…

Audubon Adventures cover Get to Know Birds

Audubon Adventures Seeking Teachers

Audubon Adventures is an environmental education curriculum that is sent, for free, to local educators—but first they have to sign up for it! Part of what I do as the LCAS coordinator for Audubon Adventures is request donations from members…

chickadee drawing by Eliza

Thank You Audubon Adventures Sponsors

Sponsors of our Audubon Adventures program started signing up even before we asked! It’s heartening to see the support for our local schools, and our community’s willingness to contribute to a program that helps students better understand and appreciate the…

Vaux's Swifts enter chimney

Vaux’s Swifts at Agate Hall Chimney in September

The gathering was a wonderful success! At least 75 observers were at Agate Hall, spread out in the parking lot. The swifts began arriving before sunset and just kept coming, giving us a great show of their wonderful aerial display.…

LCAS wildflower festival booth

Thanks to Booth Volunteers

Thanks to Barbara Bryson and Nancy Radius for staffing the Lane County Audubon booth on Saturday, September 9, at Tugman Park in Eugene. LCAS was invited to have its booth at the Southeast Eugene Neighborhood Picnic, where hundreds of people…