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Audubon Adventures cover Get to Know Birds

Audubon Adventures Seeking Teachers

Audubon Adventures is an environmental education curriculum that is sent, for free, to local educators—but first they have to sign up for it! Part of what I do as the LCAS coordinator for Audubon Adventures is request donations from members…

chickadee drawing by Eliza

Thank You Audubon Adventures Sponsors

Sponsors of our Audubon Adventures program started signing up even before we asked! It’s heartening to see the support for our local schools, and our community’s willingness to contribute to a program that helps students better understand and appreciate the…

Vaux's Swifts enter chimney

Vaux’s Swifts at Agate Hall Chimney in September

The gathering was a wonderful success! At least 75 observers were at Agate Hall, spread out in the parking lot. The swifts began arriving before sunset and just kept coming, giving us a great show of their wonderful aerial display…

LCAS wildflower festival booth

Thanks to Booth Volunteers

Thanks to Barbara Bryson and Nancy Radius for staffing the Lane County Audubon booth on Saturday, September 9, at Tugman Park in Eugene. LCAS was invited to have its booth at the Southeast Eugene Neighborhood Picnic, where hundreds of people…

Buffalo Exchange Tokens for Bags

Buffalo Exchange’s Tokens for Bags®

Lane County Audubon Society is happy to announce that we have been selected as a recipient of the Buffalo Exchange Tokens for Bags® program from July through December 2023. You can now donate to Lane County Audubon Society just by…

Male western bluebird

Western Bluebird Success Story

Photos by Steve Gordon Once described as a common Oregon bird in the 1930s, the Western Bluebird experienced dramatic population declines by the 1970s. In part, assisted by artificial bluebird projects, the species made a recovery. Preferred cavity nesting habitat…

birders masked

Join Our Bird Walk Team

We need help, and these jobs can be really fun for individuals who enjoy looking at birds and sharing that joy with other birders and potential new enthusiasts. One person (or two, working together) is needed to plan, organize, and…

LCAS wildflower festival booth

More Thank Yous

Mt. Pisgah hosted more than a thousand guests, wildflower displays, a varied music lineup, vendors, and nonprofit booths for the Mt. Pisgah Wildflower and Music Festival on May 21, 2023. LCAS’s booth was among the nonprofits in attendance, and we…

Eugene library display of Lane Audubon birds

Lane Audubon Bird Display at Eugene Public Library

Taxidermied birds, bird nests, bird eggs, and other items drawn from LCAS’s collection are part of a new display at the Eugene Public Library. To see it, walk into the children’s area from now until the end of August. Thanks…

Barbara Combs

Passing of Barbara Combs

Long-time Lane County birder Barbara Combs passed away on April 21, 2023, at the age of 75. Barb was originally from New Jersey and came to Oregon in 1972 to get her PhD in psychology at the UO. She was active…

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431