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We are very excited to have a newly expanded team working on the Audubon in the Schools program now! Kathy Wilson, Barb Pope, Rose Britton, Marty Merrill, Janet Barnes, and Sue Markley have been organizing the lesson plans, specimens, and supplies while gearing up to offer AITS sessions for the 2018-2019 school year. One teacher has already contacted them and is on the schedule! We still have room for more folks to join this rewarding volunteer effort. If you have an interest in education, care about the children in our community, and want to share your enthusiasm for birds and art, please get in touch! Call Maeve at 541.485.2473, or if you are a teacher wanting to schedule a class session, email Barb Pope at

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431