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Audubon in the Schools (AITS) has been popular and well-received in the Lane County schools since spring of 2005 when Kris Kirkeby developed this teaching program. Last school year we visited 19 schools, and gave 44 presentations to 1085 students! We want to continue bringing this special program to grade school classrooms.

If you are a teacher and want to sign up for a class visit, please schedule with Barb Pope at

If you are interested in volunteering with this program contact Maeve Sowles at 

Our core group of seven volunteers are eager to get back into classrooms, and they would love to welcome new volunteers. Training is provided, and we typically have at least two people working together during each class session. Several requests for fall-term class sessions have already been received.


Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431