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Tufted Puffin

Lane County Audubon Society (LCAS) has had another eventful year. We’ve added new board members to our roster (see article and Who We Are). Our two monthly bird outings continue to be popular. Our monthly series of fascinating, informative programs are provided live at the Campbell Center and simultaneously broadcast on Zoom. They can also be streamed after the programs for on-demand viewing under Program Meetings here.

LCAS’s member-sponsored Audubon Adventures program is stronger than ever, supplying educational materials to about 46 local classrooms. The Audubon in the Schools program, which brings bird and conservation educators to local classrooms for art and science instruction, is gearing up again for this school year. In addition, you’re likely to see the LCAS booth at several local events and festivals in the coming months. And then there is The Quail and our website, both of which keep you updated on these and many other chapter activities.

We’re working on several new conservation initiatives, including a Lights Out campaign and a Bird Friendly City designation for Eugene. You’ll hear more about these initiatives as they progress, along with our long-running annual Christmas Bird Count.

All this activity is due to a dedicated core of volunteers. We have no paid staff or central facilities. That means that your contributions go fully to funding the costs of providing the services we offer. If you’d like to get involved in these or other activities at any level, just contact Maeve Sowles, LCAS president:

In addition to volunteering, you can support LCAS financially by renewing your local membership and by donating in support of our many bird-related causes. We ask for your tax-deductible contribution only once each year in the November Quail. It’s easy to give—just use the envelope you’ll find in this issue, or go online to our website at and click on the Memberships and Donate links (If you get Error message, check back soon as we’re working on it.)

Whether you’ve recently renewed your membership and/or donated, or plan to do so now or in the near future, we thank you heartily for your ongoing support.