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Thanks to Judy Brown, Dick Lamster, Booth Staffers

Thanks and Farewell to Judy BrownWe want to thank Judy Brown for her work as Program Coordinator since fall of 2015. Since taking on this activity she has recruited a number of interesting speakers for our Program Meetings. Judy also attended…

Thank you

To Bryan Ribelin for providing his artwork for our “Thank You” post cards. His line drawing of a Killdeer provides a lovely artistic image that we will use as an acknowledgement for our member donations. To Dick Lamster, who presented…

More LCAS Volunteer Thank Yous!

Thanks to Joyce Trawle for staffing an information table at South Eugene High School on Earth Day, April 21.Thanks to June Persson, who for the past couple of years helped distribute The Quail, our monthly newsletter, around town. Thanks also…

Thanks to LCAS Tabling Volunteers

A hearty thank-you goes out to Hilary Dearborn for staffing LCAS’s table at Oregon Wild’s Eugene Brewshed & Outdoors Celebration, hosted at Ninkasi Brewery on April 28.Thanks also to David Stone and Ron Renchler, who staffed a table at the…