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Thanks to Avid Gardeners

We are grateful for the surprise donation of $750 we received from Avid Gardeners this month. The group is disbanding and decided to donate their remaining money to both LCAS and the Nature Conservancy. We truly appreciate their generosity!

Vaux’s Swift Watch – Saturday April 22nd at Sunset

Join us to welcome back the Vaux’s Swifts at Agate Hall chimney this Saturday April 22nd at sunset!!A few birds have been sighted, so we want to check it our ourselves.We expect the Vaux’s swifts to arrive with a warm…

New Birds of Lane County Checklist now available!

We are happy to announce that the newly revised Birds of Lane County Checklist has just been printed. Copies will now be available at our program meetings and other LCAS events, as well as at Wild Birds Unlimited.Many thanks to…

Eugene Christmas Bird Count Follow-up

Commemorative Pins Pins commemorating the 75th Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC) are available free to all participants in any of the past ECBCs, including field counters and home counters. To pick up your free pin, come to one of the LCAS…

From Our President: Helping Anna’s Thrive Through Winter

Over the past few winter months, my husband and I have hosted two males and one female Anna’s Hummingbirds at our property. This is the fifth year we have had them consistently all winter. We live at a 1,000-foot elevation,…

Together for Birds

In light of recent moves to roll back environmental protections, the American Bird Conservancy is circulating a petition entitled Together for the Birds. The group encourages everyone who cares about birds to sign this petition. It asks the new Administration…

Good Earth Show Keeps LCAS Booth Volunteers Busy

Lane County Audubon Society was in the midst of the action again this year at the Good Earth Home, Garden & Living Show, which ran from Friday, January 20, to Sunday, January 22, at the Lane County Fairgrounds. A steady…

From Our President: Armchair Nature for Winter

Winter is not the greatest time to find and watch birds, thanks to cold, inclement weather. But it is a great time to read and learn about birds! Here are some book recommendations shared by other nature lovers. Finding an…

2016 Eugene Christmas Bird Count

Many Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC) birders awoke Sunday morning, January 1, 2017, to a half inch of snow and cold weather. This was predicted but somewhat unexpected since many were outside three days before in short sleeve shirts and…