Jesse Pline will lead our walk on Saturday, February 15. We will meet at 8:00AM…
Commemorative Pins
Pins commemorating the 75th Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC) are available free to all participants in any of the past ECBCs, including field counters and home counters. To pick up your free pin, come to one of the LCAS monthly program meetings on April 25th or May 23rd. If you cannot attend one, please let Dick Lamster know, via email or snail mail. Include your name and mailing address, so he can send a pin to you.
Contact him at: P.O. Box 5086, Eugene, OR 97405, or
ECBC History Compilation
The 75-year history of the Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC) is now available on the LCAS website for downloading. Herb Wisner, long-time compiler for the ECBC, has researched piles of old documents and has written an interesting and humorous synopsis of our long-running CBC. Past participants will enjoy reading his article and may be able to answer a few questions he raises. Herb is still researching old records and plans to add more historical information on this topic in future months.