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For me, November is a month for preparing and looking forward—preparing (somewhat regrettably) to spend more time indoors than out, harvesting and preserving for later use the late-season produce from my urban garden, anticipating the more regular appearance of our backyard winter bird populations, looking forward to the holiday season and the Christmas Bird Count … the list goes on.

For me, November is a month for preparing and looking forward—preparing (somewhat regrettably) to spend more time indoors than out, harvesting and preserving for later use the late-season produce from my urban garden, anticipating the more regular appearance of our backyard winter bird populations, looking forward to the holiday season and the Christmas Bird Count … the list goes on. 
As Lane County Audubon’s treasurer, I have a few preparatory duties in November too, such as beginning to prepare LCAS’s financial reports as the year draws to a close, planning next year’s budget, and writing this column asking for your continued support of our organization. 
In reviewing our financial reports, I’m always struck by how many ways we serve our members and other Lane County residents—young and old—by celebrating and educating them about birds, wildlife, and the habitats they depend on.
Our school programs, Audubon Adventures and Audubon in the Schools (see page 6), reach hundreds of young people through your support. Our field trips, program meetings, booth appearances, and volunteer talks to community groups continue to draw good crowds. And The Quail newsletter keeps everyone informed about conservation issues and other activities where LCAS involvement is making a difference.
The LCAS board and our large group of committed volunteers look forward to continuing and growing our outreach in 2014. That’s why we’re asking for your support now during our annual November fund drive. By mailing in your tax-deductible contribution (and, of course, by renewing your membership whenever it expires), you can look forward to enjoying another year of LCAS programs and activities. Our efforts benefit the entire community, including the birds and wildlife we cherish. Thank you in advance for your support.