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Chestnut-sided Warbler

Celebration of Spring Migration and Our Birding Community (SWOC)

We’ll look back upon the abundance of our 2023 Spring Migration and celebrate the skill and enthusiasm of our birding community as we explored the many opportunities presented by this time of renewal. This meeting will be a less structured…

Palm Warbler

Chasing Spring Migration-SWOC Program, April 19, 7 pm

“It’s Not Just About the Warblers: Chasing Spring Migration Across the Central and Mississippi Flyways.” Ellen Cantor and Nancy Clogston will will tell tales and show photographs from their epic 6-week, 6,000 mile roadtrip to witness the cacophony of song…

From our President: Spring Migration Is in Full Swing

By April, spring migration is in full swing. Birders eagerly await the “first of the year” bird sightings at their favorite birding spots. We have kept track of yard birds for over 20 years at our property. We feel a…