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2013 Eugene Christmas Bird Count

Dick Lamster, Count Coordinator 541.343.8664 maeveanddick@q.comThe 72nd Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC) took place on Sunday, December 29, 2013, when 139 enthusiastic bird-watchers went looking for birds. Another 99 reported birds seen at their homes to Herb Wisner, Feeder Watcher…

From Our President: Of Hawks and Songbirds

A Cooper’s Hawk regularly visits the bird-feeder area on our property in the southwest hills of Eugene. The raised bird feeders are in a deer-fenced 20′ x 20′ space filled with plants and flowers and surrounded by trees. In our…

From Our President: The Mystery of Birding

Each fall, I anticipate the arrival of the first White-throated Sparrow at our feeder. We usually see only one or two individuals that stay from November to March or April. Then they leave, presumably to fly north to find breeding…

From Our Treasurer: Looking Forward

For me, November is a month for preparing and looking forward—preparing (somewhat regrettably) to spend more time indoors than out, harvesting and preserving for later use the late-season produce from my urban garden, anticipating the more regular appearance of our…

Audubon in the Schools Offers Many Rewards

Bonnie Henderson As an Audubon in the Schools volunteer, I’ve come to expect certain patterns in the classrooms I visit. I know the mallard duck will be the most popular bird to draw during the habitat lesson (Go Ducks, right?),…

From Our President: Birds on the Move

One reason I love spending time in my garden is just to be outdoors. Gardening is a great excuse to be in the yard and watch birds at the same time. If I had not been checking the fruit trees…

From Our President: NAS Convention Report

In mid-July, I attended the National Audubon Society (NAS) convention held at Skamania Lodge above the Columbia Gorge in Washington. I had never attended before because the last convention in our region was 15 years ago! Chapter leaders, NAS Board…

From Our President: The Pleasures of Summer Birding

Summer birding at our house revolves around keeping the hummingbird feeders full, monitoring the nest boxes, and watching the various species of hatchlings beg for food from their frenzied parents. The juveniles are so vulnerable as they learn to fly,…

Backyard Birds II (A 37-Year Pursuit of 100 Species)

Steve Gordon At the end of 2011, our backyard list stood at 97 species after 36 years of watching birds at our home in the Friendly Neighborhood (see the March 2012 Quail). This is an update for 2012 and early…

From Our President: There’s No Place Like Home

Each time I travel away from Oregon, I’m happy when I return to the Willamette Valley. We live in a beautiful, green location surrounded by awesome scenery, clean air (relatively) and in an area where we can easily find a…