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Three years ago the Oregon Natural Resources Council invited conservationists from around the state to begin working to promote a new Oregon wilderness bill. Lane County Audubon Society joined the effort at that time by “adopting” the Maiden Peak roadless area to determine its suitability as a wilderness area. We have been exploring the area and educating the general public about its virtues ever since. I report on these activities in periodic installments of the Maiden Peak Journal.


Three years ago the Oregon Natural Resources Council invited conservationists from around the state to begin working to promote a new Oregon wilderness bill. Lane County Audubon Society joined the effort at that time by “adopting” the Maiden Peak roadless area to determine its suitability as a wilderness area. We have been exploring the area and educating the general public about its virtues ever since. I report on these activities in periodic installments of the Maiden Peak Journal.

Maiden Peak Journal

August 15, 2001

by Dave Stone

Six of us made the familiar trek to the top of The Twins on July 29 to celebrate Wilderness Week. Clouds hung low, but not low enough to obscure that spectacular view of Waldo Lake.

Just how wild is the Maiden Peak Wild Area? Wild enough for domestic animals to go wild. As we approached the Pacific Crest Trail, the ground began to shake. A glance through the trees revealed a riderless horse galloping full speed south toward Bobby Lake. Rumor has it that there is also a llama running loose in the Maiden Peak area.

As I write this, the inevitable is happening. Two small wildfires are reported to be burning in the area. Charlton Lake campers have been evacuated as the Crane Prairie complex of fires approaches from the east and another small burn has erupted to the south.