From Our President

“In a Time of Destruction, Create Something.”
— Maxine Hong Kingston
This year of 2025 has turned into a time where we need to find ways to take action in accord with our values. We value nature in all its variety and uniqueness. Birdwatching, gardening, and nature walks at a park, along a river, at the coast, … (cont.)
Conservation Column

Proposed NWFP Changes Move It in the Wrong Direction
Our Amazing Swifts LCAS Program Tues 3/25/25 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 959 5890 4211 Passcode: 477469 The Lane County Audubon Society will feature a presentation about the thousands of little long-distance fliers who visit…
KLCC Highlights Habitat Haven
KLCC Story: Lane County Audubon Society program helps residents create ‘Habitat Havens’ in their backyard. Listen here: As wildlife disappears at an alarming rate, studies show that eco-friendly practices in the backyard help in…
Survey on Raptor Nests
Cascades Raptor Center is conducting a survey to gather information on active raptor nests in the 2025 nesting season to help gather resources and information to have available as part…