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Consider writing your state representatives in support of the following proposed legislation.  

Protect Oregon’s forests. HB 2357. Eliminates the problematic Oregon Forest Resources Institute while allowing for more monitoring staff at ODF to ensure compliance with forestry laws. Increases science staff at the Department of Forestry to protect rivers and streams. Increases monitoring of dangerous landslide areas on forest land. 

Protect beavers. OR (HB) 2843. Would protect beavers from being trapped and hunted on federal public lands. Beavers provide important habitat restoration functions. 

Ban Coyote Derbies. HB 4075. Coyote killing contests undermine modern, science-based wildlife management principles and are not an effective wildlife management tool. The best available science shows that many wildlife populations depleted by unnatural means simply reproduce more quickly due to the sudden drop in competition for resources and changes to social structure from the loss of individuals. End cruel, wasteful, and unsporting coyote killing contests in Oregon.   

Equity and Climate in Land Use. HB 2448. Requires Land Conservation and Development Commission to make changes to statewide land use that focus on climate justice by addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation and environmental justice for disadvantaged communities. 

Help reduce pesticide use: HB 2406. Expands list of pesticides that may not be included in school lists of low-impact pesticides for use in integrated pest management plan. 

HB 2409. Prohibits homeowners’ associations from requiring application of pesticide on owners’ properties.  

100% Clean Energy for All. HB 2995. Transitions Oregon to 100% clean energy within the next few decades, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create new jobs in clean energy.

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Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431