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Barbara Bryson and Lalla Prudewell

Barbara Bryson and Lalla Pudewell have joined the Lane County Audubon team!

Barbara BrysonBarbara Bryson has agreed to serve on the board beginning this fall! She has also volunteered to help us with the Bird Friendly City Project, as well as other conservation projects. Additionally, she has taken on the tasks of posting on the Facebook and Instagram pages, helping to keep things current and interesting. She brings fresh enthusiasm and skill to each activity and we are happy to welcome her!

Barbara’s brief bio, in her own words:

I grew up in Eugene when there were still forest ponds in the South Eugene Hills and Western Pond Turtles crossed East Amazon. Being in the outdoors has always been important to me and formed the basis for obtaining a biology degree. After working briefly in forest research and in a shelter for abuse victims, I became a Family Nurse Practitioner and recently retired from thirty years in healthcare. I returned to birding in the pandemic and have been fortunate to do birding tours in Texas and outside the US.

Birds are magical! Our natural world is truly unique in the cosmos and needs our help, and I look forward to working with Lane Audubon to make a difference for birds, pollinators, wildlife, and people.

Lalla PudewellLalla Pudewell has agreed to taking on the Bird Walk Coordinator position, and we are so happy to have her involvement. Lalla has become an avid birder over the past year and enjoys all aspects of the search for birds, learning more about them, and posting on eBird to share her sightings. We welcome her involvement with Lane Audubon!

Lalla’s brief bio, in her own words:

Just last year I attended my first Third Saturday Bird Walk with Lane County Audubon Society. I loved it! The people were welcoming, and I learned to identify several new birds. I became a member of LCAS later the same day. I have been fascinated with birds since I was young but have primarily watched them in my yard. Now I enjoy birding in a variety of locations. Many of you have helped me this past year, sharing bird IDs, birding tips, and scope views. I appreciate each of you. I look forward to coordinating bird walks and supporting others who love birding.