The end of this year and the beginning of a new year make me think…
Many thanks to our members who have sent in donations in response to our November request for support! We ask once per year, and it is gratifying that our members take this to heart.
Your donations keep us going, and the money is used to enhance our outreach activities. For our Program Meetings, we are renting a room at the Campbell Center, which has Wi-Fi for Zooming as well as a projector for our live audiences. We have had a good turnout for both the live and Zoom programs!
We have also purchased another six pair of small Nikon binoculars to use for the kids’ beginning birding sessions that our Audubon in the Schools instructors have been offering. These sessions for Outdoor School programs and one for the Cottage Grove Library summer program have been well received. We hope to do more in the future!
We have made efforts to remain connected through our bird walks, our Zoom programs, our Quail newsletter, and our swift events. As a group we have much in common, and through sharing our love of the outdoors, of nature, and especially birds, we are happy to connect with our members through these activities!
As 2022 comes to an end and we launch into 2023, Lane Audubon continues to grow and look for new ways to have an impact in our community. If you are interested in volunteering, we have a few opportunities posted in this issue of The Quail. We can use your help!