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Volunteers at the Mt Pisgah Wildflower Festival booth

Welcome to Jan Rising, who is our new Board Recording Secretary! Jan moved to Eugene from Bend, Oregon, where she was deeply involved with East Cascades Audubon Society for many years. We are grateful that she has stepped up, knowing she brings experience and dedication to this position. It is great to have your help, Jan!

On May 30, we said farewell to our board member and UO PhD student Kirstin Waldkoenig. Kirstin has completed her coursework and is returning to her home state of Pennsylvania to complete the writing of her doctoral thesis. She served on the board for 18 months and for most of that time was the Board’s Recording Secretary. She participated in bird outings, staffed booths, and also took part in projects such as Bird Friendly City, Habitat Haven, and School Garden work parties. Kirstin also led us through some recruitment and succession planning discussions, which were very helpful to our small group. We will miss her positive energy, productive advice, and help to our Board.

Thanks to Ash Berry, Cecelia Hagen, and Kirstin Waldkoenig for staffing the LCAS table at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History on Earth Day, April 22, and to Barbara Bryson for staffing the LCAS table at the Hult Center on April 25.

A hearty thanks also goes out to those who staffed the LCAS booth at the Mt. Pisgah Wildflower Show on May 19. Booth staffers at the popular event included Connie Berglund, Ash Berry, Barbara Bryson, Karen and Tim Fielder, Gary Hersh, Debbie Schlenoff, and Kirstin Waldkoenig. An estimated 300 contacts were made at the Wildflower Show!

LCAS depends on our volunteers to staff our table and booth at various events around the area. Orientation and training for the 2-hour time slots are provided. If you’re interested in participating, contact Ron Renchler at or 541.345.0834. FMI on volunteering with Lane Audubon go to the Volunteer page.