Meet our new Habitat Haven volunteer. Evelyn Sherr has joined Lane Audubon’s Habitat Haven Backyard…
Thank you!!!
To our members who support us by renewing their local Lane Audubon memberships and /or sending in donations! Our annual fundraiser keeps us functional through the year. We have the best members and truly appreciate your ongoing financial support!
Bird Enthusiasts Flock to the Good Earth Show
Hundreds of interested, interesting people stopped by Lane County Audubon’s booth at the Good Earth Home, Garden & Living Show at the fairgrounds January 24-26. As usual, the questions and topics of conversation this year were nearly endless: dealing with squirrels and cats at backyard feeders, identifying unusual birds (it’s becoming more common for people to use their phones to take photos of birds), and planting native plants that attract birds and other wildlife to their yards, just to name a few.
A big thank you goes to all the LCAS volunteers who made our booth appearance possible: Rick Ahrens, Joyce Baker, Connie Berglund, Sara Brownmiller, Barbara Foreman, Gary Hersh, Dolly Marshall, Milo Mecham, Jerry Morsello, Sally O’Donnell, Nancy Radius, Dave Stone, Janie Thomas, Susanne Twight-Alexander, and Dan Willis.
Special thanks also to Denise and Brian Rogers, who helped set up and take down the booth, and Dick Lamster, for providing a Good Earth Show seminar on backyard birding attended by about 30 people.
If you’re interested in getting involved in helping staff the booth during local festivals and events, email or call Ron Renchler:, or 541.345.0834.