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hooded merganzer

LCAS Third Saturday Bird Walk 11/18/23

Vjera Thompson will lead the walk starting at Booth Kelley Path Trailhead, 307 S. 5th St., Springfield. The walk will cover 2-3 miles on a flat paved multi-use path with a couple benches. Beavers have been active here for the…

birders with binoculars

Third Saturday Bird Walk October 21

Rachael Friese will lead the Third Saturday Bird Walk on October 21st at Luper Cemetery. We will meet at 8:00am at the gate to Luper Cemetery parking area off of Beacon Dr. (not Prairie Rd). Parking is limited and carpooling…

3rd Saturday birders at coast with scopes

Third Saturday Bird Walk, Sept. 16

Led by John Sullivan. Meet at Heron Playground on West D Street in Springfield at 8am. We will walk the bike paths around the prairie of Alton Baker Park. It’s about a 3 mile loop. Our Third Saturday Bird Walk…

birders in scope line

Third Saturday Bird Walk, Sept. 16

Led by John Sullivan. Meet at Heron Playground on West D in Springfield at 8am. We will walk the bike paths around the prairie of Alton Baker Park. It’s about a 3 mile loop. Our Third Saturday Bird Walk continues…

Third Saturday Bird Walk August 19

Third Saturday Bird Walk August 19

Tim Griffith will lead our walk at Dorris Ranch in Springfield. Start time is 7:30 am to beat the heat. Park in the upper lot by the bathroom. See calendar for map. Our Third Saturday Bird Walk continues to be…

Third Saturday Bird Walk August 19

Third Saturday Bird Walk August 19

Tim Griffith will lead our walk at Dorris Ranch in Springfield. Start time is 7:30 am to beat the heat. Park in the upper lot by the bathroom. See calendar for map. Our Third Saturday Bird Walk continues to be…


Third Saturday Bird Walk July 15

Tye Jeske and Josh Galpern will lead the Third Saturday Bird Walk into the section of Fern Ridge Reservoir that begins at the west end of Royal Avenue. Start time is 8 am. We are hoping to see some migrant…

Fern Ridge birders

Third Saturday Bird Walk July 15

Tye Jeske and Josh Galpern will lead the Third Saturday Bird Walk into the section of Fern Ridge Reservoir that begins at the west end of Royal Avenue. Start time is 8 am. We are hoping to see some migrant…

Black Phoebe

Third Saturday Bird Walk May 20

Daniel Farrar will lead this walk into the section of Fern Ridge Reservoir that begins at the west end of Royal Avenue. Start time is 8 am. Parking situation can be “dicey.” FMI

Black Phoebe

Third Saturday Bird Walk May 20

Daniel Farrer will lead this walk into the section of Fern Ridge Reservoir that begins at the west end of Royal Avenue. Start time is 8 am. Parking situation can be “dicey.” FMI

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431