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Puerto Rican Tody

Birding Borikén: Around Puerto Rico (SWOC)

Gerry Meenaghan will give a presentation entitled “Birding Borikén: Around Puerto Rico in Seven Days” for the May meeting of Southern Willamette Ornithological Club (SWOC). Gerry will detail his one-week solo birding journey around the island of Puerto Rico in…

Palm Warbler

Chasing Spring Migration-SWOC Program, April 19, 7 pm

“It’s Not Just About the Warblers: Chasing Spring Migration Across the Central and Mississippi Flyways.” Ellen Cantor and Nancy Clogston will will tell tales and show photographs from their epic 6-week, 6,000 mile roadtrip to witness the cacophony of song…

Escalonadas Lakes

SWOC Program: Argentina: From the Chaco to Tierra del Fuego

“Argentina: From the Chaco to Tierra del Fuego” is the title of February’s Eugene Birders’ Night presentation by Dan and Anne Heyerly sponsored by Southern Willamette Ornithological Club (SWOC). In mid-October 2022, these life-long birders joined a three week birding…