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Bicolored Striped-Sweat bee

Native Pollinators and Native Plants

View this program on YouTube by clicking here. Native Pollinators and Native Plants: Your Tiny Visitors and the Plants They Love Our April presenter Bruce Newhouse asks: Did you ever wonder about all those flying and crawling critters visiting your…

Fall 2018 Lane Audubon Program Meetings

After a summer break, our program meetings will start up again in the fall! Save these dates.Tuesday September 25–Paul Engelmeyer, Audubon Tenmile Creek Sanctuary Manager, will talk about Land and Sea Conservation Issues and Strategies.Tuesday October 23–Joe Moll, Executive Director…

Program Meeting Hiatus

In summer, Audubon members are often out enjoying birds and the outdoors, traveling far and wide. Since sitting indoors when there’s still daylight is less attractive, LCAS takes a break from presenting programs in June, July and August.Our regularly scheduled programs…