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Katie McInnis

Springtime Ushers in Board Member Changes

We want to welcome Katie McInnis as a new LCAS Board member! Katie has been involved in volunteering for more than two years and helps in many ways. She is most involved with the Bird Friendly City project, but also…

California Quail

One Welcome and Two Farewells

We are pleased to welcome new Board member, Isaac Scott. Isaac is a UO grad student in Nonprofit Management. As part of his course work, he serves on a board of directors to learn about non-profit organizations first-hand. Isaac grew up…

Welcome New LCAS Board Member, Rebecca Waterman!

Rebecca has been involved with our organization as the Bird Walk coordinator since fall of 2017.  She has attended board meetings, as well as helped with bird walks and outreach events since first becoming involved. She is excited about birding and…

Welcome New LCAS Board Member, Rachael Friese

We want to welcome Rachael Friese to the Lane Audubon Board! Rachael has been involved with our organization as the Audubon Adventures coordinator since spring of 2016. She is excited about birding and cares deeply about the value of environmental…