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Green Heron with chicks

From Our Treasurer: Birding in All Its Forms

The pleasure we take in birding has many forms: serious birdwatching, casual birding, reading books or watching videos about birds, listening to bird-related presentations and podcasts, helping others learn about our avian friends, conserving bird habitats, doing citizen science–the list…

Thanks to Avid Gardeners

We are grateful for the surprise donation of $750 we received from Avid Gardeners this month. The group is disbanding and decided to donate their remaining money to both LCAS and the Nature Conservancy. We truly appreciate their generosity!

Support LCAS—It’s Never Too Late!

If you haven’t returned the donation envelope included in the November issue of The Quail or gone online to show your support for Lane County Audubon Society during our annual fund drive, you can still do so. Simply mail your…