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Elliott State Forest old growth

Habitat News

Good news from the Elliott State Research Forest At their September meeting, the board of the Elliott voted unanimously to add 10,000 acres to the existing 32,000 acre “Big Block Reserve,” expanding it to >42,000 acres (more than half the…

Mourning Doves

Birds That Share Our Neighborhoods

Most of us live in urban or suburban areas where we are treated to the sights and sounds of the birds that share our space. Several researchers have explored the effects of urbanization on birds. Findings differ depending on context,…

Marbled Murrelet News & Bird-Friendly Tips

Marbled Murrelet News & Bird-Friendly Tips

We are pleased to share the news that the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife voted to uplist the Marbled Murrelet from threatened to endangered status under the state Endangered Species Act. It is our hope that this results in…

Conservation Column: Celebrate and Help Migrating Birds

Birds do not recognize the man-made boundaries between countries, and yet they need to cross them to survive. Consequently, it’s up to us to coordinate efforts to protect them as they move through their annual cycles. International Migratory Bird Day…

Together for Birds

In light of recent moves to roll back environmental protections, the American Bird Conservancy is circulating a petition entitled Together for the Birds. The group encourages everyone who cares about birds to sign this petition. It asks the new Administration…

Conservation Column – Which Words Will Prevail?

“Words are the bricks of our world and they have the power to change it.”—Enock Maregesi, “East Africa: Writing for Kiswahili Language Revolution,” The Citizen (2016)So far it’s just words, but for those who favor more protective conservation measures, the…

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




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EIN 93-0810431