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Cape-Falcon Marine Reserve

Oregon Wildlife bills testimony needed

The 2024 Oregon legislative session has just convened.  Three wildlife bills that Lane Audubon is supporting are up for hearing this week.  Please let your legislators know that you support these bills. Find your legislator: Or use the OLIS…

Action Alert: Save our State Forests

Action Alert: Save our State Forests

Contact the Board of Forestry by Sept 7 and let them know that you support the Habitat Conservation Plan (alternative 3) for Oregon’s State forests. You can provide written testimony or show up to testify. Email at We want protection…

Action Alert: The Oregon Coast Rocks

We are working with Lincoln City Audubon Society to help establish protected areas for birds and other wildlife on the Oregon shore.  Don’t miss the videos at the end of the message!  Please sign this petition! petition oregon-coast-rocks  The Oregon…

Together for Birds

In light of recent moves to roll back environmental protections, the American Bird Conservancy is circulating a petition entitled Together for the Birds. The group encourages everyone who cares about birds to sign this petition. It asks the new Administration…

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




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EIN 93-0810431