Meet our new Habitat Haven volunteer. Evelyn Sherr has joined Lane Audubon’s Habitat Haven Backyard…
Three years ago the Oregon Natural Resources Council invited conservationists from around the state to begin working to promote a new Oregon wilderness bill. Lane County Audubon Society joined the effort at that time by “adopting” the Maiden Peak roadless area to determine its suitability as a wilderness area. We have been exploring the area and educating the general public about its virtues ever since. I report on these activities in periodic installments of the Maiden Peak Journal.
Three years ago the Oregon Natural Resources Council invited conservationists from around the state to begin working to promote a new Oregon wilderness bill. Lane County Audubon Society joined the effort at that time by “adopting” the Maiden Peak roadless area to determine its suitability as a wilderness area. We have been exploring the area and educating the general public about its virtues ever since. I report on these activities in periodic installments of the Maiden Peak Journal.
Maiden Peak Journal
October 8, 2001
by Dave Stone
The first forecast of snow in the Cascades broadcasted from the radio this morning, so I hustled up to Gold Lake to get in one last snow-free hike. What a relief it is to return to the natural world and for a short time to be out of touch with all the bad news swirling around us these days. The trees weren’t shouting about terrorists, and the lichen wasn’t obsessed with anthrax. Sure, we can’t pretend that the modern world and all of its sorrows don’t exist, but it’s important to take a break from all of that and take in the healing power of nature.