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We want to thank the organizers: Phil Johnson, Maeve Sowles, and Katy Vizdal for making the event a success. These four arrived early for the Sunday, April
11th, cleanup, and nineteen others joined them on the cool sunny morning to complete the task at hand! Thanks also to Bryan Ribelin, who created our posters to advertise the event!

Folks split up and dispersed in two directions, finishing the job in about 3 hours. We are most grateful for the wonderful showing of volunteers who shared in the work!

Good job and thanks to each of you!

Angela Soto

Sarah Shmigelsky

Emily Kostuch

Sue Thompson

Emily Heilbrun

Caleb Hund

Cathy Ellis 

Nancy Clogston

Jennifer Archer

Clara Emlen

Mary Leoni

Ruth Schmidt

Lynn Corbett

Virginia Donohue

Alanna Sowles

Brandon Starks

Connie Berglund

Timothy Fiedler

Karen Fiedler