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Lane County Audubon Society (LCAS) is an all-volunteer organization. Volunteering with LCAS is a great way to meet new people, give back to the community, and best of all, have fun! If you’re interested in volunteering for one of the opportunities below, or if you have other ideas about ways you can help, contact Maeve Sowles at 541.343.8664 or

Bike Path Cleanup Coordinator

Help us coordinate the twice-yearly cleanup of our stretch of the West Eugene bike path. LCAS adopted the west end (about five miles) of West Eugene’s Fern Ridge Bike Path. The goal is to help keep Eugene’s waterways an inviting habitat for wildlife and a safe and clean area for recreation. The coordinator will pick the dates and organize the day’s activities.


Audubon in the Schools Instructor

The Audubon in the Schools program sends teams of volunteer instructors into the schools to teach third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students both science and art, using bird specimens, feathers, bones, and nests. No teaching experience or artistic talent is required. All you need is an interest in teaching children and a few hours a month. You can check out the program by sitting in on a class. For more information, contact Caryn Stoess, Audubon in the Schools Coordinator, at 541.357.8739 or


Quail Distributor

Each month, we place The Quail in a half dozen locations around town, where it can be picked up by interested readers. Locations include our public libraries and local garden shops. This task is done around the first of each month. If you’d like to help with getting The Quail out into the community, please call or e-mail Ron Renchler, 541.345.0834,


Visit our Volunteer page online at for more opportunities.




Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431