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Thanks to all the Lane County Audubon Society members who helped make the 14th annual Good Earth Home, Garden & Living Show, held January 18-20, such a success. This year’s show turned out to be one of our best shows yet in terms of trial memberships generated, items sold, and general exposure for LCAS.

Nancy Radius, David Stone, Susanne Twight-Alexander, Margot Fetz, Janie Thomas, John Lemay, Sally O’Donnell, Dan Willis, Connie Berglund, Debbie Schlenoff, Dolly Marshall, Sara Brownmiller, Milo Mecham, and Rick Ahrens all helped staff the booth this year. Thanks to each of them.

Special thanks go to Debbie Schlenoff and her husband Rob, Maeve Sowles, Jim Maloney, Christy McMannis, Sara Brownmiller, Milo Mecham, and Nancy Radius, who helped with setup and takedown of the booth.

On Sunday afternoon, Dick Lamster gave a seminar on backyard birding that was attended by about 20 show-goers. Thanks to Dick for doing this. 

Finally, Wren Fulner handled the booth-scheduling duties this year and was a great help. Special thanks also go to her for putting together the booth staffing schedule and for sending out and responding to messages.

by Ron Renchlar, LCAS Outreach Coordinator

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




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