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Green Heron with chicks

The pleasure we take in birding has many forms: serious birdwatching, casual birding, reading books or watching videos about birds, listening to bird-related presentations and podcasts, helping others learn about our avian friends, conserving bird habitats, doing citizen science–the list goes on and on.

Lane County Audubon Society (LCAS) tries to address all these interests through our many programs: Bird Walks, Audubon Adventures, Audubon in the Schools, Program Meetings, Conservation Reports in The Quail newsletter, Christmas Bird Count, reviews of birding resources in The Quail—we try to keep every type of birding interest alive.

We’re fortunate to live in a place where various outdoor locations offer great opportunities for birdwatching during the pandemic. In fact, in the past year we’ve been able to increase both the diversity of attendees on our walks and the number of walks we offer.

We’re also fortunate to live in a time when technology allows us to present live-streamed Program Meetings. Although we all miss the socializing that takes place at our face-to-face meetings, we’re nevertheless able to offer the presentations in real time on our website and post them later for on-demand viewing.

We also know that our educational programs will continue to grow now that schools are returning to in-person classes.

There are many ways you can support all these activities: by consistently renewing your local membership in LCAS, by including us in your will, and by making an annual donation via PayPal or snail mail. We ask for donations only once each year, in the November Quail.

If you’ve recently renewed your local or national membership, or if you’ve recently donated to LCAS, we thank you. If you haven’t yet renewed or made a tax-free donation, we hope you are able to continue your support by snail-mailing the envelope enclosed in the printed newsletter or by giving directly through our website at and choose the donate button on the upper right. Again, many thanks for supporting LCAS.

-Ron Renchler

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




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EIN 93-0810431