Jesse Pline will lead our walk on Saturday, February 15. We will meet at 8:00AM…
Lane County Audubon Society is holding its annual fall swift event outside Agate Hall on Friday September 9th at sunset. The Vaux’s swifts use the chimney to roost for the night as they gather prior to migration. Last year the birds came through in a big group early in the month and were gone! We may see several thousand birds entering the chimney, but there is no guarantee! It is fun to observe the swifts before they fly off to Central and South America for the winter.
Lane Audubon will have handouts with information about the Vaux’s swifts. Look for the LCAS banner at 17th and Agate Street. Stop by and enjoy this annual natural phenomenon. It is free!
Call 541-343-8664 for more information.
Another good location to check out is the Smith Family Bookstore (5th and Willamette, downtown Eugene) where several thousand birds have also been observed.
FMI see the Vaux’s Swift page on the LCAS website at: