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Conservation Column: Ideas—Good and Bad

“The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas, and throw the bad ones away.” – Linus PaulingWe’ve all heard the expression “There’s no such thing as a bad idea,” but I think many would disagree. Unfortunately,…

Thanks! and Good Earth Show Bird Enthusiasts Flock

Thank you!!!To our members who support us by renewing their local Lane Audubon memberships and /or sending in donations! Our annual fundraiser keeps us functional through the year. We have the best members and truly appreciate your ongoing financial support! Bird…

2019 Eugene Christmas Bird Count

by Dick Lamster, Count CoordinatorFor the second time in a row, the Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC) had good weather! The 27 teams of observers looked for birds for the 78th ECBC on Sunday, December 29, 2019, with no ice,…

February Is GBH Nesting Time

A tall wading bird is often seen standing alone in fields and wetlands searching for snakes, frogs, and fish. It stands quietly, still, and poised to strike. This is how we see the Great Blue Heron most of the year.…

Conservation Column: Oregon Audubon Council 2019: Take-aways

In early November, Lane County Audubon hosted the 2019 Oregon Audubon Council (OAC) in Eugene. In attendance were representatives from nine of the twelve Oregon chapters as well as representatives from Washington State Audubon. The goal of the annual OAC…

Paddle-powered Birding

On July 20th, participants in  the Lane Audubon canoe/kayak Third Saturday bird trip paddled north on Coyote Creek to Fern Ridge Reservoir, departing from the Cantrell Road put-in at 8 am. We had a good morning of birding with really…

LCAS Informational Handouts

Alton Baker Park ChecklistAttracting Birds to Your FeederBirdhouse CompetitionBirding and Community ScienceBluebird Nest Box ConstructionCats IndoorsGlobal WarmingLights Out CampaignVaux’s Swift HandoutWays We Can HelpWho Eats Poison Oak