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Great Blue Heron

From Our President: Thank Yous

Lane Audubon sends a very big Thank You to Kathy Wilson, who for the past 14 years was our recording secretary at Board meetings! Kathy and her husband, Bruce, have been members and worked on various volunteer projects since the…

Birder girl with binoculars

We Are Grateful to Our Many Supporters

Many thanks to our members who have sent in donations in response to our November request for support! We ask once per year, and it is gratifying that our members take this to heart. Your donations keep us going, and…

Anna's Hummingbird

From Our Treasurer: The World of Birding

From my veranda, I watch in amazement as Anna’s Hummingbirds hover, then flit from blossom to blossom. I witness a group of California Scrub-Jays squabbling in my yard, chasing each other around to protect their territory or food source. At…

Equinox sunset

I Celebrate Nature’s Seasonal Changes

The fall Equinox sunset beams across a stone circle at the home of Maeve Sowles and Dick Lamster in a photo by Alanna Sowles.  Four times a year, as our earth travels around the sun, humans have for eons taken…

Little Brown Bat

Bats Are Amazing and Beneficial to Humans

As summer takes hold, we see bats each evening feasting on insects under our deck overhang. As the light fades they cruise back and forth to capture insects that have lingered under the deck’s shady roof. Bats have always amazed…