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Ram Papish artwork book cover

Art by Ram Papish Graces This Book Cover

Editor’s note: Ram Papish has been a recurring, and always entertaining, presenter at our LCAS Program Meetings. For months I have kept an Oregon’s Birds poster that he created on my computer’s desk top just because I liked it so…

Birders with binoculars

Be a Part of the Team of Lane Audubon Volunteers!

Please step up to help us keep our energy and forward momentum going! If you have an interest in being involved and have skills you would like to put to work in support of our goals, we would like to…

Rose Britton teaching bird class

LCAS Bird Specimens Visit Classrooms!

Three of our bird specimens have visited three classrooms during the final months of the school year, thanks to the efforts of LCAS’s Audubon Adventures Coordinator, Cecelia Hagen. Our American Kestrel went to Adams Elementary, our Northern Flicker went to…

Outdoor school birders

Outdoor School Sessions Were a Success!

On April 26th and 28th, 2022 at Bauman Tree farm near Veneta, we put on beginning birding class sessions for students from Agnes Stewart Middle School.  We focused on how to use binoculars and what to look for when birding.…

Marbled Murrelet

Marbled Murrelet Survey at Cape Perpetua

July 27, 6:30 pm – July 28, noon 2022 You are invited to join the 17th annual Marbled Murrelet community science survey on a spectacular stretch of Oregon’s coast. After two years of hosting this event virtually, the Portland Audubon…


Drones Can Cause Harm to Birds

Please do not use drones for bird photography or videography as they may cause harm to birds. The birds are likely to perceive the drone as a predator and leave their roosting or nesting area. Drones could disturb them to…

Golden-winged warbler drawing

Enthusiasm Expressed for Audubon Adventures

Dear Cecelia Hagen, My students loved the Audubon Adventures Magazines and learned many facts from them. First, they liked learning about climate change and what they can do to protect our important ozone layer. They loved hearing about the young…

kid's drawing chickadee

Audubon Adventures Helping Students Draw Connections to Nature

Nora Hagerty, a first-grade teacher at Adams Elementary, kindly responded to a request for insight into how educators are using the Audubon Adventures materials. Her creative and innovative ideas clearly help her students appreciate birds and the interwoven world they…

Herb Wisner

Herb Wisner Would Have Been 100 on March 24, 2022

Lane Audubon is sad to report the passing of life-long Audubon member, Herb Wisner on February 20th. Herb, a Lane Audubon Board member and long-time organizer of the Eugene Christmas Bird Count, was a teacher, writer and committed naturalist and…