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Installation of Delta Ponds bridge

Delta Ponds Loop Trail Gets a Bridge

Crews with the city installed a new 100-foot-long bridge over some of the Delta Ponds wetlands on January 25. Philip Richardson, a landscape architect with the city’s Parks and Open Space Department, noted that it is just one part of…

Cat with bird

Birds and Cats–A Lethal Combination

Many of us who love birds and wildlife also love cats. Unfortunately, our cats do serious damage when they roam freely. Both the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) have found that bird and…

WV Bird Symposium

Thanks for Helping!

Thank you to Cecelia Hagen, Ash Berry, and Barbara Bryson for setting up and staffing the Lane County Audubon table at the Willamette Valley Bird Symposium on Saturday, February 3. LCAS was a sponsor of the symposium and had several…

Red-shafted flicker at feeder

2023 Lane Co Christmas Bird Counts

CBC–Cottage Grove  By Grace Fowler-Gore, Count Coordinator and Compiler Eight of us gathered at 6:30 am, Saturday, December 30, to enjoy a delicious hot breakfast at Vintage Inn. At the end of the day, 14 of us gathered at El…

Eugene Christmas Bird Count 2023 Group 5a

The 2023 Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC)

Although the weather was not ideal, the 82nd ECBC held on Sunday Dec. 31 was a great success. The 190 Field Observers and 101 Home Counters saw 133 species of birds and 66,334 individual birds.   Field observers spent 273 hours…

Black Phoebe

2023 Eugene Christmas Bird Count Dec. 31st

The 2023 Eugene Christmas Bird Count (ECBC) is on Sunday, December 31, 2023. Yes, this is New Year’s Eve, but we will be done by dusk, which will give you plenty of time to still party hardy. The date is…

2023 ECBC Home Count Information

2023 ECBC Home Count Information

If you’d prefer to not participate on a Eugene Christmas Bird Count field team this year, consider being an ECBC Home Counter. From the comfort of your own home, you can record the birds you see at your feeder, in…

Flammulated Owl

Reminder: It’s Not Too Late to Give

Although the November issue of The Quail contained LCAS’s annual fundraising request, it’s not too late to give to the organization if you haven’t yet done so. You can donate either by mailing your tax-deductible check to LCAS, PO Box…

Bella Lee and Jill Taylor

These Fall Interns Have Accomplished Much

Lane Audubon is fortunate to participate in the University of Oregon’s Environmental Science (ENVS) Internship Programs. ENVS students may register for the internship program “class” and receive credit for working with non-profits in the area. In addition to academic credit,…

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




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