Our November 3rd Saturday outing on 11/16 led by Vjera Thompson began at the Mill…
What an amazing morning we had for the Third Saturday Bird Outing on March 16! This outing was led by McKenzie River Trust staff members Charlie Quinn and Sarah Merkle on McKenzie River Trust property. Although this land is not open to the public, Charlie and Sarah provided this special event so that we could see the many birds that are benefiting from its restoration and protection. Clearly many people were interested in birding this beautiful area and enjoying a sunny, almost-spring day. We had 54 individuals in our group! Two Wood Ducks even welcomed us by flying overhead near the parking area.
Our birders broke into smaller groups while moving along the gravel road. As we crossed the bridge, two Black Phoebes were calling from a willow along the river’s edge. Brown Creepers and a Pacific Wren were singing in a wooded area. A Lincoln Sparrow was seen in the sunshine. We were surprised to see a Tundra Swan on one of the ponds. Two adult Bald Eagles flew over and were beautiful in the blue sky. Thank you McKenzie River Trust, Charlie Quinn, and Sarah Merkle for a wonderful event!