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Bird feeders in bad shape
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When I first began tending the feeders at Pete Moore Hospice House, many were in a state of disrepair and the seed was either sprouting or of poor quality. I enlisted the support of Wild Birds Unlimited, which generously donated some feeders and seed. Now, even more birds are visiting, which means additional donations are needed!

Feeders and seed donated by Wild Birds Unlimited, co-owner Barbara Gleason

Our wish list includes: new or used supplies like cylinder feeders, dome covers, and pole systems; No-mess Northwest seeds, black oil sunflower seeds, and suet; and gift certificates to WBU. If you drop me a line at the same time, I can ensure that you receive a donation receipt for tax purposes. Questions? Contact Holly at

The goldfinches, chickadees, and hummingbirds at Pete Moore Hospice House now provide joy to the residents and staff alike. Thank you for your support!

By Holly Knight

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




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EIN 93-0810431