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We have three new prospective volunteers for the Audubon in the Schools (AITS) educational program! They have signed on to shadow our instructors in classrooms to see what the program entails. We will continue with training as they rotate through with our instructors and into different class settings. We are thrilled to have new volunteers for this exciting work!

Rose Britton has updated and improved two of the PowerPoint training modules to use in classrooms along with the bird specimen collection. She has included new photographs of birds, their habitats, and drawing techniques to make it easy for all the students to see the materials before they begin to draw. Additionally, we purchased copies of Birds of the Willamette Valley Region to give to each classroom during the AITS visit as part of our outreach efforts with this program. These small books are great entry-level field guides that cover our most common local birds. AITS instructors leave copies of the books as a reminder for students to look for and enjoy birds!

Thanks to our growing group of Audubon in the Schools volunteers! If you think you’d like to be a part of this, give us a call.

Binoculars Needed

The AITS team has also lead beginning birding sessions for kids at Outdoor School forest field day. They loan them binoculars and use bird silhouettes in trees to practice focusing, then they do a brief walk to look for birds in the forest. The AITS team would like to have more binoculars for the kids, so they can each practice using them. 

To donate used, but working, binoculars, please call Maeve at 541.343.8664 or bring them to an LCAS Program Meeting.