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art in nest box
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In the spring of 2021, local artists and bird enthusiasts Dennis Arendt and Shel Neal brought a little extra life to Tree Swallow bird boxes out at Green Island. Building on a decade long project to provide nesting habitat for this migratory bird, the 16 new painted boxes celebrate art and nature.

Each birdhouse pays tribute to famous artists, mimicking their style with free expression, others are abstract creations. Each box has a story to tell and we invite community members to come enjoy the Art in Birds self-guided tour during open days on the second Saturday of each month.

McKenzie River Trust’s Green Island is home to more than 50 tree swallow boxes are cared for annually by dedicated volunteers. More info here.

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431