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Quail pages Feb 2023

I would like to ask for your consideration on a topic that is a product of our changing times.

Our wonderful newsletter, The Quail, is printed 9 times per year and sent out via snail mail. It is also provided as an electronic version to those of you who request it. Our total number of household memberships is 1,351 and the number of printed Quail issues that we snail mail is 1,085. This is 80 percent of members! We do have 266 members requesting the electronic copies, which are emailed to them as a link to our website. Feedback is that they LOVE it!!

Please take a look HERE to see the wonderful online, full-color version of The Quail if you have not seen it before!

The online Quail layout is striking! The photos are full color, the articles are easy to read, and it is both esthetically pleasing and fun to explore!

The reason I am pointing this out is that the printing and mailing costs are quite high, a $15,000 annual budget item. The physical work required is also significant, to transport, label and then transport again to the Post Office for mailing. It is not just the money, but the amount of paper and resources utilized for these functions that I want you to consider. I recognize that for some people, the electronic version may not be feasible.

If you are willing to give it a try, just send an email to and we will put you on the list to receive the eQuail! Help us lower costs and reduce our footprint. You can enjoy the same wonderful content with the added enjoyment of color photos and crisp layout of our articles.

New Year’s resolution??

Lane County Audubon

P.O. Box 5086
Eugene, OR 97405




Our Tax I.D. number is:
EIN 93-0810431