The 2024 Oregon legislative session has just convened. Three wildlife bills that Lane Audubon is…

Virtual Meeting Monday Jan. 29
Speak up for a Habitat Conservation Plan that supports prioritizing fish and wildlife habitat, clean water, and recreation on state lands. Listening session in Eugene this Thursday Jan. 25 at 5:30 at the Lane Events Center, Room #4, W. 13th Ave. Doors open for signup at 5 p.m.
Talking points from Cascadia Wildlands here:
Prefer to attend the virtual meeting on Jan 29? Slots for are filling up fast! Please click here and sign up right away to provide testimony! client/invitation2/secure/ 221279800117/false?emci= 544c1430-53b9-ee11-bea1- 0022482237da&emdi=9048ee37- 76b9-ee11-bea1-0022482237da& ceid=26812736&fbclid= IwAR2YW8gUE0Bmwuyxk9dbiw7I3jIn gJORwCCsbYjIFm6CNDGroZ1jjg64jG Y#/invitation